We hope to see all of you at our reading on October 20th at the Telfair Academy.
Angela Ball (10/20/09) - Ball’s thought-provoking poetry has brought her personal satisfaction as well as numerous awards and recognition by other poets. Ball was born on July 6, 1952, in Athens, Ohio, and went on to college to get her B. A. from Ohio University, her M. F. A. from The University of Iowa, and her Ph.D. from the University of Denver. Ball has published several works of poetry, including Recombinant Lives (1987), Vixie (1988), Kneeling Between Parked Cars (1990), Quartet (1995), and Possession (1995). Her poems have appeared in Grand Street, Partisan Review Poetry, the Mississippi Review, Mademoiselle, Kenyon Review and others. She is presently working on a long poem collage called The Museum of the Revolution. Reading begins at 7pm, any questions: poetryknows@gmail.com
This poetry reading series is supported in part by the Grassroots Arts Program in conjunction with the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly and administered by the City of Savannah’s Department of Cultural Affairs. GCA is a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the arts.